
retrieve properties of a program pipeline object


glGetProgramPipeline( )->
glGetProgramPipelineiv( GLuint ( pipeline ) , GLenum ( pname ) , GLint *( params ) )-> void
glGetProgramPipelineiv( pipeline , pname , params )


Specifies the name of a program pipeline object whose parameter retrieve.
Specifies the name of the parameter to retrieve.
Specifies the address of a variable into which will be written the value or values of pname for pipeline .


glGetProgramPipelineiv retrieves the value of a property of the program pipeline object pipeline . pname specifies the name of the parameter whose value to retrieve. The value of the parameter is written to the variable whose address is given by params .
If pname is GL_ACTIVE_PROGRAM , the name of the active program object of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_VERTEX_SHADER , the name of the current program object for the vertex shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_TESS_CONTROL_SHADER , the name of the current program object for the tessellation control shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_TESS_EVALUATION_SHADER , the name of the current program object for the tessellation evaluation shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_GEOMETRY_SHADER , the name of the current program object for the geometry shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER , the name of the current program object for the fragment shader type of the program pipeline object is returned in params .
If pname is GL_INFO_LOG_LENGTH , the length of the info log, including the null terminator, is returned in params . If there is no info log, zero is returned.


GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if pipeline is not zero or a name previously returned from a call to glGenProgramPipelines or if such a name has been deleted by a call to glDeleteProgramPipelines .
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if pname is not one of the accepted values.

Version Support


See Also


2010-2014 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. .