
fill a buffer object's data store with a fixed value


glClearBufferData( GLenum ( target ) , GLenum ( internalformat ) , GLenum ( format ) , GLenum ( type ) , const void * ( data ) )-> void
glClearBufferData( target , internalformat , format , type , data )
glClearNamedBufferData( GLuint ( buffer ) , GLenum ( internalformat ) , GLenum ( format ) , GLenum ( type ) , const void *( data ) )-> void
glClearNamedBufferData( buffer , internalformat , format , type , data )


Specifies the target to which the buffer object is bound for glClearBufferData , which must be one of the buffer binding targets in the following table:
Specifies the name of the buffer object for glClearNamedBufferData .
The internal format with which the data will be stored in the buffer object.
The format of the data in memory addressed by data .
The type of the data in memory addressed by data .
The address of a memory location storing the data to be replicated into the buffer's data store.


glClearBufferData and glClearNamedBufferData fill the entirety of a buffer object's data store with data from client memory.
Data, initially supplied in a format specified by format in data type type is read from the memory address given by data and converted into the internal representation given by internalformat , which must be one of the following sized internal formats:
This converted data is then replicated throughout the buffer object's data store. If data is NULL, then the buffer's data store is filled with zeros.


GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated by glClearBufferData if target is not one of the generic buffer binding targets.
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated by glClearBufferData if no buffer is bound target .
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated by glClearNamedBufferData if buffer is not the name of an existing buffer object.
GL_INVALID_ENUM is generated if internalformat is not one of the valid sized internal formats listed in the table above.
GL_INVALID_OPERATION is generated if any part of the specified range of the buffer object is mapped with glMapBufferRange or glMapBuffer , unless it was mapped with the GL_MAP_PERSISTENT_BIT bit set in the glMapBufferRange access flags.
GL_INVALID_VALUE is generated if format is not a valid format, or type is not a valid type.

Version Support


See Also


2011-2014 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. .