
return a string describing the GLU version or GLU extensions


gluGetString( GLenum ( name ) )-> const GLubyte *
gluGetString( name ) -> <class 'ctypes.c_char_p'>
gluGetString( GLenum(name) ) -> POINTER(GLubyte)


Specifies a symbolic constant, one of GLU_VERSION , or GLU_EXTENSIONS .


gluGetString returns a pointer to a static string describing the GLU version or the GLU extensions that are supported.
The version number is one of the following forms:
major_number.minor_number major_number.minor_number.release_number .
The version string is of the following form:
version number<space>vendor-specific information
Vendor-specific information is optional. Its format and contents depend on the implementation.
The standard GLU contains a basic set of features and capabilities. If a company or group of companies wish to support other features, these may be included as extensions to the GLU. If name is GLU_EXTENSIONS , then gluGetString returns a space-separated list of names of supported GLU extensions. (Extension names never contain spaces.)
All strings are null-terminated.


gluGetString only returns information about GLU extensions. Call glGetString to get a list of GL extensions.
gluGetString is an initialization routine. Calling it after a glNewList results in undefined behavior.


NULL is returned if name is not GLU_VERSION or GLU_EXTENSIONS .

See Also

Sample Code References

The following code samples have been found which appear to reference the functions described here. Take care that the code may be old, broken or not even use PyOpenGL.

OpenGLContext OpenGLContext/ Lines: 4, 95
OpenGLContext tests/ Lines: 11, 12