
indicates whether a primitive is front or back facing


gl_FrontFacing( )->


Available only in the fragment language,
is an input variable whose value is true if the fragment belongs to a front-facing primitive and false otherwise. The determination of whether a triangle primitive is front-facing is made by examining the sign of the area of the triangle, including a possible reversal of this sign as controlled by
. One way to compute this area is:
a=12 j=0 n-1 x w i y w i+1 - x w i+1 y w i
where x w i and y w i are the x and y window coordinates of the i th vertex of the n-vertex polygon.
The sign of this computation is negated when the value of GL_CLIP_ORIGIN (the clip volume origin, set with glClipControl ) is GL_UPPER_LEFT .

Version Support


See Also


2011-2014 Khronos Group. This material may be distributed subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Open Publication License, v 1.0, 8 June 1999. .

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