SimpleParse uses a particular EBNF grammar which reflects the current set of features in the system. Though the system is modular enough that you could replace that grammar, most users will simply want to use the provided grammar. This document provides a quick reference for the various features of the grammar with examples of use and descriptions of their effects.
Here is an example of a basic SimpleParse grammar:
declaration = r'''# note use of raw string when embedding in python code...
file := [ \t\n]*, section+
section := '[',identifier!,']'!, ts,'\n', body
body := statement*
statement := (ts,semicolon_comment)/equality/nullline
nullline := ts,'\n'
comment := -'\n'*
equality := ts, identifier,ts,'=',ts,identified,ts,'\n'
identifier := [a-zA-Z], [a-zA-Z0-9_]*
identified := string/number/identifier
ts := [ \t]*
You can see that the format allows for comments in Python style,
and fairly
free-form treatment of whitespace around the various items (i.e. “s:=x”
“s := x” are equivalent). The grammar is actually written such that you
can break productions (rules) across multiple lines if that will make
grammar more readable. The grammar also allows both ':=' and
'::=' for the
"defined as" symbol.
Element tokens are the basic operational unit of the grammar. The concrete implementation of the various tokens is the module simpleparse.objectgenerator, their syntax is defined in the module simpleparse.simpleparsegrammar. You can read a formal definition of the grammar used to define them at the end of this document.
Element Token |
Examples |
Effect |
Character Range |
[ \t\n] |
Matches any 1 character in the given range |
String Literal |
“[“ |
Match the sequence of characters as given, allowing for special, octal and hexadecimal escape characters |
Case-insensitive String Literal |
c"this" |
Match the sequence of characters without regard to the case of
the target text, allowing for special, octal and hexadecimal escape
characters. Note: Case-insensitive literals are far slower than regular
literals! |
Name Reference |
statement |
Match the production whose name is specified. With 2.0, those productions may have been included from a library module or created by you and passed to the Parser object's initialiser. |
Sequential Groups |
(a,b,c,d) |
Match a sequence of element token children. Sequential groups have a lower precedence than FirstOf groups (below), so the group (a,b/c,d) is equivalent to (a,(b/c),d). |
FirstOf Groups |
(a/b/c/d) |
Match the first child which matches. Note that this is very different from system which parse all
children and choose the longest/most successful child-match. Sequential groups have a lower precedence than FirstOf groups, so the group (a,b/c,d) is equivalent to (a,(b/c),d). |
Error On Fail (Cut) |
! |
Used as a "token", the ErrorOnFail modifer (also called "cut" after Prolog's cut directive), declares that all subsequent items in the enclosing sequential group should be marked ErrorOnFail, as if the given ErrorOnFail modifier were applied to each one individually. Note: can only be used as a member of a Sequential group,
cannot be a member of a FirstOf group. See the section Modifiers/Operators
below for more details of the semantics surrounding this token. |
Both character classes and strings in simpleparse may use octal escaping (of 1 to 3 octal digits), hexadecimal escaping (2 digits), or Unicode escaping (4 or 8 digits) or standard Python character escapes (\a\b\f\n\r\t\v)
Strings may be either single or double quoted (but not triple quoted).
To include a "]" character in a character class, make it the first character of the class. Similarly, a literal "-" character must be either the first (after the optional "]" character) or the last character. The grammar definition for a character class is as follows:
It is a common error to have declared something like [+-*] as a
character range (every character including and between + and *)
intending to specify [-+*] or [+*-] (three distinct characters).
include not matching '-' or matching characters that were not expected.
Each element token can have a prefix and/or a postfix modifier applied to it to alter how the engine treats a match of the “base” element token.
Modifier |
Example |
Meaning |
- |
-"this" |
Match a single character at the current position if the entire
base element token doesn't match. If repeating, match any number of
characters until the base element token matches. |
(postfix)? |
"this"? |
Match the base element token, or if the base element token cannot match, match nothing. |
? (prefix) |
?"this" |
Match the base element token, then return to the previous
position (this is called "LookAhead" in the mx.TextTools
documentation). The
- modifier is applied "after" the lookahead, so that a lookahead on a
negative match equates to "is not followed by", while lookahead on
matches equates to "is followed by". |
* |
"this"* |
Match the base element token from 0 to an infinite number of
times. |
+ |
"this"+ |
Match the base element token from 1 to an infinite number of
times. |
! |
Consider a failure to match a SyntaxError (stop parsing, and
raise an exception). If the optional string-literal is included, it
specifies the message (template) to be used for the SyntaxError. You
can use %(varname)s formats to have the following variables substituted:
Note: the error_on_failure flag is ignored for optional items
(since they can never fail), and only raises an error if a repeating
non-optional production fails completely. |
Using the ErrorOnFail operator can be somewhat tricky. It is
often easier to use the "stand-alone" element-token version of
cut. Here's an example of use:
top := a/b/bp
a := 'a', !, ws, '=', ws, something
b := 'b', ws, '=', !, ws, something
bp := 'b', ws, '+=', !, ws, something
The production top can match an 'a =', a 'b =', or a 'b +=', but if
it encounters an 'a' without an '=' following, it will raise a syntax
error. For the two "b" productions, we don't want to raise a
Syntax error if the 'b' is not followed by the '=' or '+=' because the
grammar might match the other production, so we only cut off
back-tracking after the operator is found. Consider this
top := a/b/bp
a := 'a'!, ws, '=', ws, something # BAD DON'T DO THIS!
b := 'b', ws, '=', !, ws, something
bp := 'b', ws, '+=', !, ws, something
This grammar does something very different (and somewhat
useless). When the "top" production goes to match, it tries to
match the "a" production, which tries to match the 'a' literal.
If literal isn't there, for instance, for the text 'b =', then the 'a'
literal will raise a SyntaxError. The result is that the "b" and
"bp" productions can never match with this grammar.
Each simpleparsegrammar is a series of declarations which define a production (rule) and bind it to a name which can be referenced by any production in the declaration set. Defining a production generally causes a result tuple to be created in the results tree (see below for what else can happen).
Here are some examples showing sample productions and the result trees they would generate.
s := "this" | ('s', start, stop, [] ) # no children |
s := them, those? | ('s', start, stop, [ ("them", start, stop, [...]), ("those",
start, stop, [...]) ] ) ('s', start, stop, [ ("them", start, stop, [...]) ) # optional value not there |
s := them*, those | ('s', start, stop, [ ("them", start, stop, [...]), ("them",
start, stop, [...]), ("those", start,
stop, [...]) ] ) ('s', start, stop, [ ("those", start, stop, [...]) ) # optional repeating value not present |
As a general rule, when a production matches, a match tuple is added to the result tree. The first item of this tuple is normally the name of the production (as a string), the second is the staring position of the match, the third is the stopping position of the match, and the fourth is a list of any child-production's result trees.
Using these features allows you to trim unwanted entries out of your results tree (which is good for efficiency, as the system doesn't need to store the result-trees). Using expanded productions can allow you to reduce the complexity of your grammars by factoring out common patterns and allowing them to be included in multiple productions without generating extraneous result-tuples in the results tree. Both of these methods still produce standard results trees so no special work is required to process the results tree. (There are methods described in Processing Results Trees which can generate non-standard result trees for special purposes).
Report Type |
Examples |
Return Value |
Normal |
a := (b,c) |
('a', l, r, [ |
Unreported |
a := (b,c) |
('a', l, r, [ |
Expanded |
a := (b,c) |
('a', l, r, [ |
There are situations where the base parsing library simply isn't capable of accomplishing a particular matching task, or where it would be much something to define a method for matching a particular class of value than to define it with an EBNF grammar. In other instances, a particularly common pattern, such as floating point numbers or strings with standard (Python) escapes are wanted, and have been provided in a parsing library.
SimpleParse allows you to pass a set of “pre-built” element tokens to the Parser during initialization. These pre-built parsers can either be instances of simpleparse.objectgenerator.ElementToken, or raw mx.TextTools tag-tables. To use them, pass the Parser's initializer a list of two-tuples of (name, parserObject):
parser = Parser( declaration, "v", prebuilts = [
("word", parserObject1 ),
("white", parserObject2 ),
You can see a working example (which uses Python's re module to create a prebuilt parser) in examples/ .
SimpleParse 2.0 has introduced the ability to create libraries of common parsers for inclusion in other parsers. At present, the common package includes numbers, basic strings, the ISO date format, some character types, and some comment types. New contributions to the library are welcome.
In general, importing a particular module from the common package makes the production names from the module available in any subsequent grammar defined. Refer to the documentation for a particular module to see what production names are exported.
from simpleparse.common import strings, comments, numbers
Many of the standard common parser modules also include “Interpreter” objects which can be used to process the results tree generated by the mini-grammar into a Python-friendly form. See the documentation for the individual modules.
class MyParser( Parser ):
string = strings.StringInterpreter()
This is the formal definition of the SimpleParse 2.0 grammar. Although the grammar is functional (should parse any proper grammar), the grammar used during parser generation is a manually generated version found in the simpleparse.simpleparsegrammar module.
declaration = r"""declarationset := declaration+Up to index...
declaration := ts, (unreportedname/expandedname/name) ,ts,':',':'?,'=',seq_group
element_token := lookahead_indicator?, ts, negpos_indicator?,ts, (literal/range/group/name),ts, occurence_indicator?, ts, error_on_fail?
negpos_indicator := [-+]
lookahead_indicator := "?"
occurence_indicator := [+*?]
error_on_fail := "!", (ts,literal)?
>group< := '(',seq_group, ')'
seq_group := ts,(error_on_fail/fo_group/element_token),
(ts, seq_indicator, ts,
)*, ts
fo_group := element_token, (ts, fo_indicator, ts, element_token)+
# following two are likely something peoples might want to
# replace in many instances...
<fo_indicator> := "/"
<seq_indicator> := ','
unreportedname := '<', name, '>'
expandedname := '>', name, '<'
name := [a-zA-Z_],[a-zA-Z0-9_]*
<ts> := ( [ \011-\015]+ / comment )*
comment := '#',-'\n'*,'\n'
literal := literalDecorator?,("'",(CHARNOSNGLQUOTE/ESCAPEDCHAR)*,"'") / ('"',(CHARNODBLQUOTE/ESCAPEDCHAR)*,'"')
literalDecorator := [c]
CHAR := -[]]
OCTALESCAPEDCHAR := [0-7],[0-7]?,[0-7]?
HEXESCAPEDCHAR := [0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F]
UNICODEESCAPEDCHAR_16 := [0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F]
UNICODEESCAPEDCHAR_32 := [0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F],[0-9a-fA-F]
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